Orgonite Pyramid - Jade


0.35 KGS
8.00 (cm)
7.50 (cm)
8.00 (cm)
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Orgonites are used to clear negative energy and counteract the impact on the body from electromagnetic waves. They can improve life physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

The two principles Orgonites are based on are a mix of resin which is organic, (as it is based on petrochemicals) and metal shavings (inorganic). A quartz crystal is also added for its ‘piezoelectric’ properties. The crystal gives off a charge when it is put under pressure, so when resin shrinks and is cured, a constant pressure is put on the quartz crystal giving off a charge due to that pressure.  

The elements contained in the orgone are always attracting & repulsing energy, like a ‘scrubbing’ action & with the charge of the crystal, it clears stagnant inactive energy and establishes a healthy dynamic state. Orgonites can help take chaotic conditions from electromagnetic radiation, EMF, WIFI and streamline the energy in an efficient & coherent mode.  Wherever you place the orgone, it will keep the air & life force clean and positive.

Orgonites can be placed anywhere you want Vibrant Ambient Energy!  Work environment: Office; Conference Room; Workshops; Retail Setting etc. or Home environment: Bedrooms; Kitchen; Living Area; Kids playroom etc. 

Benefits of an Orgonite Pyramid ... Clears Negative Energy; Improves Sleep & Dreams; Purifies the Air; Reduces Stress and Increases Energy; Helps Plants to flourish; Improves Meditation; Spiritual & Emotional growth; Reduces Radiation; Decreased Sensitivity to EMFs and Balances Moods.

Orgonite will also varies based on gemstones selected.

JADE – Heart Chakra  Stone of Prosperity & Faith. Soothing guardian & heart healer. Balances male/female energies. Great motivator for life’s quest. Promotes originality & decisive action. Alleviate anxiety & depression Dissolve blocked emotions & encourages wellbeing.  Electromagnetic pollutants are absorbed & geopathic stress reduced when used in grids.

Historically sacred to China & also used by ancient primitive tribal groups. This Divine stone integrates fine energies of the universe into the body. It stabilizes our male & female force, which in turn provides balance between partners. This stone protects & defends against attacks & illness and blesses that which it touches! Inspires wisdom, provides confidence & insight during evaluations of problems by promoting certainty, faith & independence. Helps remove cause of disease. Fuels adrenals, regulates metabolism & stimulates white blood cells. Good for colic.